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Army 2nd Lt. K. Brooke Baxter

By Staff | Jan 10, 2009

Army 2nd Lt. K. Brooke Baxter has graduated from the Army Medical Officer Basic Leadership Course at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas.

The course is designed to train Medical Corps officers to be competent in and knowledgeable of the Army Care System, Army doctrine, and basic officer-soldier leadership skills; have an understanding of Army organizations, operations, and procedures; possess an ability to apply the concepts of health protection for soldiers and their families; have the ability to communicate, interact and coordinate as a staff member; and orientation in military survival skills for the contemporary operating environment.

After graduating from the course, the active-duty, National Guard or Reserve medical officers report to their current member units or new duty assignments, or return to their graduate medical studies.

She is the daughter of retired U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Harry T. and Jeanne M. Baxter of Estrellita Drive, Fort Myers Beach.

Baxter received a bachelor’s degree in the year 2000 from the University of Florida, Gainesville, and earned a master’s degree in 2002 from Tulane University, New Orleans, La.