Sports Television Schedule
On Television
7 p.m. – VS. (cable) NHL Hockey: Bruins vs. Devils
7:30 p.m. – ESPN2 (cable) College Basketball: Illinois vs. Missouri
7:30 p.m. – FSN (cable) NHL Hockey: Predators vs. Panthers
7:30 p.m. – SUN (cable) NBA Basketball: Warriors vs. Heat
8 p.m. – ESPN (Cable) College Football: Poinsettia Bowl
8 p.m. – WGN (cable) NBA Basketball: Bulls vs. Pistons
9:30 p.m. – ESPN2 (cable) College Basketball: Texas vs. Wisconsin
10 p.m. – HBO (cable) Real Sports
8 p.m. – ESPN (cable) College Football: Hawaii Bowl
8 p.m. – ESPN2 (cable) Euro Soccer: Germany vs. Turkey
10 p.m. – ESPN2 (cable) UEFA Champions Soccer
11:45 p.m. – HBO (cable) Breaking the Huddle: The integration of College Football