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Sports Calendar for 11/13

By Staff | Nov 13, 2008

Youth Sports

Junior/Senior Little League Baseball Registration — Players age 13-16 (as of May 1, 2009) can register weekdays, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., at Cape Coral Parks & Recreation athletic office, 1015 Cultural Blvd.; birth certificate and three proofs of residency required; cost $110 per player (Nov. 17-Dec. 5), $130 per player (Dec. 6-Jan. 9), $150 per player after Jan. 10, 2009; coaches & umpires also needed. Info: Ryan Robbins (239)242-3489, (239) 242-3490.

Nov. 1-30

Cape Coral Wildfire Softball Open Tryouts — New 16-under fast-pitch travel softball team seeking players, especially pitchers, call for tryout times & location; practice all winter, tournaments begin in spring.; asst. coaches also needed. Info: Larinda Kimbrell 776-6982; e-mail skipperqueen24@gmail.com.

General Info

Cape Coral Sailing Club — Meeting fourth Wednesday each month, 7:30 p.m., Cape Coral Yacht Club, 5819 Driftwood Pkwy.; adults interested in boating (sail or power), cruising or armchair are welcome. Info: Ron Miniter 945-7761.

Thursday, Nov. 13

Lee County Archers 20-Yard Target League & Meeting — Nalle Grade County Park range, North Fort Myers; 7 p.m.; new members welcome, all skill levels. Info: Ben Brown (239) 369-6212.

Saturday, Nov. 15

Wheel Warriors Weekend Cycling Rides — Riders of all abilities welcome to join cyclists for next ride (call for time); meet at Babcock Ranch Road; bring water & helmets; guest speakers & other activities. Info: Ileana Sisson (239) 283-6140.

Saturday, Nov. 15 & 22

Manatee Park Volunteer Training — Inviting persons interested in becoming a volunteer interpretive guide to visitors at Manatee Park ; two-day training by naturalistsg offered 9 a.m.-1 p.m. both days, lunch provided, space reservation required; park open daily 8 a.m.-dusk year round. Info: Nancy Kilmartin (239) 690-5030, ext. 224; e-mail: nkilmartin@leegov.com

Sunday, Nov. 16

Lee County Archers 3D Archery Shoot — Nalle Grade County Park range, North Fort Myers; sign up 8 a.m., shotgun start 9 a.m.; $10 shooting fee; roving field range of 20 3D target stations plus 14-station NFAA field course. Info: Ben Brown (239) 369-6212.

Nov. 22-23

Swingtime Pro-Celebrity Pro-Am Tennis & Golf Tournament — The Players Club & Spa at Lely Resort, and Olde Cypress, Naples; Tim & Tom Gullikson Foundation, Lee Memorial Health System as local beneficiary; tennis exhibition $35 & $70. Info: (800) 927-7242 (tennis & golf); (561) 394-9190 (Swingtime gala).

Sunday, Dec. 7

Marathon of the Palm Beaches — Accepting applications for four-person group relay team portion of fifth annual marathon in West Palm Beach, 6 a.m. start; open to male, female & mixed teams as well as corporate teams; part of three-day weekend (Dec. 5-7) includes 5K, kids-K, half-marathon, marathon & team relay marathon. Info: www.marathonpb.com

Lee County Archers 900-Round Event — Nalle Grade County Park range, North Fort Myers; 9 a.m.; new members welcome, all skill levels. Info: Ben Brown (239) 369-6212.

NOTE: See the entire Sports Calendar online at www.cape-coral-daily-breeze.com. Send information about your group’s upcoming events at least two weeks in advance to: Daily Breeze Sports Calendar, 2510 Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral, FL 33904; or send e-mail to: breezesports@breezenewspapers.com