Stop the hate and make a difference
To the editor:
The mainstream media needs to stop being vicious to the President in the daily press conference whether you agree with him or not. It is very disrespectful to the Office of the Presidency, the 41,000 families who lost loved ones ,the 22 million unemployed Americans like me who lost their jobs because of the pandemic, and the nurses and doctors who worked the frontline.
Their reporting is a slap in the face to all Americans. Use your resources to volunteer in the hot zones by helping in food banks and help unemployed Americans that have no money to feed there families.
They hurt Donald Trump so much they will spread lies to undermine his success instead of working with him and all Americans to get through this nightmare.
I asked all of the senators and congressmen and women — they’re wealthy enough — to give at least $10,000 to charities of their choice during this pandemic.
I asked Mayor Joe Coviello and the Cape Coral Council to cut their salaries in half the rest of the year and that that money be used to help the city of Cape Coral workers who lost their jobs. When I ran for mayor in 2009, I said if elected I would take a half salary to save taxpayers money.
We all need to sacrifice.
Stop the hate, mainstream media. Let’s get God unto life and pray for this pandemic to end. God Bless this great country.
Robert Pizzolongo
Cape Coral