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Personal responsibility is paramount

By Staff | Mar 27, 2020

To the editor:

I am sharing a note I put together last week in an attempt to emphasize the need to exercise personal responsibility, follow the recognized medical experts’ advice and to unite in following our governmental leadership in their primary role to marshal a coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is not a time for panic, but for responsible action and coordinated behavior likely well outside of the comfort zones of everyone. I truly believe that the vast majority in our community recognize the importance of their role, the difficult challenges we face and appreciate the leadership provided.

Coping with the COVID 19 Challenge

The COVID 19 pandemic is one of the most disruptive global health challenges which the United States and many other countries have faced in decades. Because so little was known about it, and information was slow in coming from the reported initial case locations in China, getting in front of its spread has been an “all hands on deck” endeavor.

Our country is blessed with extraordinary talent in all sectors of the medical, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. The heart, fiber, and soul of the American people always rise to the occasion in the face of adversity. This will be the case in overcoming the challenges of COVID- 19, as well.

It is important for us all to follow the protocols, regulations and prescribed behaviors which our greater health industry feel are necessary. Their knowledge of how best to flatten the contagion curve is paramount.

Additionally, it is the role of government to marshal the forces and facilitate the effort required to combat and overcome challenges of such a massive scope. Federal, state, county, and local governments are all working in a coordinated effort and each, according to its prescribed authority and span of governance, serves as the interface and focal point in leading the response.

Our government leaders need our support and cooperation to be effective in getting to the other side of this challenge. Not everyone will like all the requirements and restrictions placed upon us, but hopefully, all will recognize the greater need and be prudent in compliance. Putting political party bias aside, government leadership, at all levels, is to be commended on the “all in” effort brought to bear to date.

This includes our direct executive branch line from our president and vice president to our governor, county commissioners, and mayor and city council, plus all the agency, cabinet, military, and legislative body support. The city staff, as well as our police and fire departments, and the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and Lee County EMS have all put forth extraordinary effort in emergency planning and preparedness. We are well served by all.

Not to forget the private sector, global pharma has put unprecedented effort and speed into diagnostics, vaccine and treatment drug development, and support equipment availability. Locally, Lee Health and other providers have been excellent in disseminating updates on social distancing and related protective hygiene practices and health care access management.

Lastly mentioned, but not the least in a long list of unmentioned contributors, is our great core of teachers and educators who have quickly developed sound, home-based learning activities to support the suspended classroom attendance needs.

This, too, shall pass, and we will emerge a stronger nation having gone through it. Please see the links below to aid in understanding developments and how each of us can help in getting COVID-19 behind us. The key is to exercise personal responsibility, stay calm and follow the prescribed guidelines.

The affected numbers are likely to increase as new and faster testing and diagnostics become more widely available and applied. It is not a time to panic, but to be considerate of the health care needs of others, particularly our seniors and those with compromised immune symptoms.

Thank you all for your resolve in putting this enemy in check.

Some sources to keep you updated:

* www.capecoral.net/COVID-19/ latest COVID 19 FROM CAPE CORAL GOVERNMENT

* www.leehealth.org/public-health LeeHealth daily COVID 19 updates

Joe Kilraine

Cape Coral