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Where have all the leaders gone?

By Staff | Sep 3, 2011

To the editor:

Back in 2009, Gary King, angry over the UEP program, created The Road Ahead Gang (RAG) and helps author the Contract with Cape Coral, a document whose supporters pledged to reform government and cut services. He orchestrated the campaigns of a slate of candidates, and two of the four are elected. John Sullivan and Chris Chulakes-Leetz join Pete Brandt and Bill Deile, but they are one short of a majority. Unfortunately, an opportunity arises and they quickly place their friend Erik Kuehn on the Council. With a voting majority, they return the favor and select King as city manager. And for over the last year, these six men have had everything in place to do whatever they want. They got their wish and set out to become the saviors of Cape Coral!

And yet, with the votes in place, the city manager in place, and their fellow RAGs placed on committees or hired as consultants, they have accomplished almost nothing of positive value for this City. What they have accomplished is to shroud this city in a fog of negativity, complete with false accusations, finger-pointing, name-calling, and running good people out of town. Rather than work for the future, they are consumed by the past, so much so that some refer to them as the Rear View Mirror Gang. Audit this, blame that. When all else fails, they throw our police, fire, and city workers under the bus. And they call this “leadership.”

True leaders share the credit but take all the blame. Instead, they take all the (limited) credit and deflect any blame. True leaders make the hard decisions. Instead, they delay the tough decisions so as to not impact their re-election campaigns. True leaders listen, motivate, encourage, respect, and live to serve. Instead, they chastise, ridicule, dissuade, condemn, and think only about themselves and what is best for their small (and dwindling) group of supporters. They are a perfect example of Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

I’ve had enough, and every resident I’ve talked to has too. It’s time to Take Back the Cape. The RAGs continue to try and confuse the residents by claiming it means to take the City back to what it was. But everyone knows it really means to take the city back from the Rear View Mirror Gang. It’s time to move forward – to actually have elected officials with a vision and a plan for our future, officials who represent the best interests of ALL residents. Your local politicians have the greatest impact on your daily lives. I’ve been inspired by the increasing number of residents who plan to Get Out and Vote, and I hope you join us on Sept. 13, and Nov. 8. Our city’s future is at stake.

Jeff Roman

Cape Coral