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Disinformation comes from the dais

By Staff | Jun 24, 2011

To the editor:

The June 18 issue of The Breeze contained a letter from Councilmember Deile where he claimed he was responding to “disinformation (dezinformatsiya) which must be exposed as such.” Deile keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper in trying to defend himself, Councilmember Brandt and City Manager King for feeding their spouses on the public dime. Unfortunately, there is no defense for such ignorance and total lack of common sense.

In addition to other distortions and irrelevant information (red herrings) Mr. Deile’s letter stated; “Mr. King sent an email invitation to all Councilmembers advising them of the opportunity to attend the dinner. All who contacted Mr. King were informed that Economic Development would pay for them and a guest. All had the opportunity to be ‘covered’ by Mr. King.” Based on Deile’s claim, I sent a public records request to the city clerk’s office asking for a copy of the “email invitation” that “Mr. King sent to all council members advising them of the opportunity to attend the dinner.”

Interestingly enough, in trying to track down “the King email” the following opening line came out of the council office which was transmitted back to the city clerk’s office. “Paula, Councilmember Deile cannot locate the original email, and suggests you ask Gary or Terri for it.” Here’s what the City Manager had to say; “Paula, I have not seen the Deile article that RP references. He should direct his request to CM Deile. Gary.” This sounds like the old shell game. And no Mr. King, I should not direct my request to CM Deile since it was a public records request. And BTW my initials are RL, not RP.

In addition to my public records request I also asked other council members who totally deny having received any such email from Mr. King, contrary to Deile’s claim that “an email invitation to all Councilmembers advising them of the opportunity to attend the dinner existed. Since there is no public record of the so- called email I can only conclude none existed in the first place.

So Mr. Deile, when it comes to “disinformation” I suggest that you look within yourself since disinformation, jokes, spin and insults are what we as citizens have been enduring from you, as a council member, for the past four years. You will not be missed.

Ralph LePera

Cape Coral