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Infill assessment plan just double taxation

By Staff | Jun 18, 2011

To the editor:

I have sent the following letter to the Cape Coral City Council:


Once again I write urging that you reject plans to mitigate water rate increases on the backs of those careless, grasping little souls who bought unimproved lots in Cape Coral and then callously left them undeveloped, or stupidly failed to flip them during the real estate gold rush of sainted memory. Oh, I know, I know. They’re objecting?!?! The effrontery of these people must leave you gasping. After all the Kelo case legitimized government seizure of property from such small minded little gnomes to serve the greater good as determined by land use bureaucrats and tax-and-spend plutocrats. So what’s a little double taxation? Surely if a “property owner” consents to assessments for public utilities once, then, by thunder, “so nice, so nice, do it twice” should be your motto!

OK, enough sarcasm. The mayor is quite right to question this infill idea’s legitimacy. And Mr. McGrail’s notion that an expectation of land use (Cape Coral Breeze, 14 June 2011) justifies a second round of assessments is jaw dropping.

There will be a legal challenge to such a measure should you throw caution to the winds. Toss the idea. There is only one way to handle this problem and that’s spread the pain among all users of Cape Coral’s water services. Period.


H. Myers

Cape Coral