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What are they thinking?

By Staff | Jun 4, 2011

To the editor:

Mr. John Carioscia’s, candidate for Cape Coral city council, recent letter concerning a Charter Review recommendation states “The members of this ‘Committee’ who are appointed by the same Council, must be comprised of those voters who thought that putting 5 people, from the same “Gang,” would be a good idea.”

Do you really believe the commission was stacked in favor of the current council?

The Charter Review Commission was comprised of a cross section of committed city volunteers – some supportive of the current council -some that do not. The recommendations that were sent to the council were presented as possible opportunities for change in the city charter based on many hours of research and discussion. I polled each commission member and none of them have spoken to Mr. Carioscia about any Charter recommendations.

As a candidate Mr. Carioscia must do his homework to learn as much about each issue as time allows. I am disappointed that a News-Press headline is presented as Mr. Carioscia’s opinion on this issue. I expect all candidates to make the effort to become educated about the issues before offering an opinion. If a newspaper headline is your belief maybe your recent letter to the editor was to inform the electorate that your goal is to “Take Back the Cape”

Lynn Johnson

Cape Coral