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Check for the power behind those who want the throne

By Staff | Aug 1, 2009

To the editor:

On Wednesday night July 29th, I listened to the candidates running for Mayor, District 1, 4, and 6. In the 16 years that I have lived here I have never seen this many new candidates that don’t have a clue about how our city is run. They speak incorrectly on the city budget but have never attended a meeting of the Financial Advisory Committee, with the departments, going over the budget for 2010.

There were candidates who didn’t know what committees or commissions that council members attend, both in the city and county. There were candidates who didn’t know what millage we currently have so how could they recommend what our new millage should be to continue the level of service that the citizens require.

The idea that some of these candidates plan to go into their council seat and lay off many of those who have worked many years with the city or reduce their pay by demoting them is unbelievable. Folks you must remember that these employees are Cape Coral homeowners just like you and are struggling to raise their families. Most of Cape Coral residents are from other parts of America or other countries and are receiving a retirement from their former employers. Don’t you think those working for the city deserve the same? They are paying assessments, as are many of us, and they care about Cape Coral citizen’s safety. To lower the police and fire will insure that someone will not receive the help as quickly when they need it. Do you want the parks or the centers closed as some candidates are thinking of shutting them down? These are the centers for the special pops, seniors and our youth. Some candidates state that we need commercial development for jobs, but they don’t want to continue with the water and sewer projects which we need for commercial development.

This year the citizens need to check and double check who is behind some of these candidates that have never been involved with the city and never volunteered to serve on a city committee. As in the past we want to know what special interest group is expecting favors when their candidates are elected. You need to question how and why candidates you have never heard of or have never been involved in the community suddenly want to be your representative. The candidates that only have one issue, like the UEP are campaigning on fear rather than solutions.

We heard one candidate already go into the negative campaigning. Do you want someone who can’t debate on the issues because they don’t know them? This year how you vote may impact this city’s future more than in the past. This year the citizens either move the city forward for the future or watch many of the activities, that they use or their children use, disappear. Nothing is free, so you decide: do you want the fire department to respond quickly when you have a fire; do you want the police to come quickly; do you want the community centers to remain open; or maybe you want to close the ball fields that the children use.

This year is the most critical year that this city has faced in many years and while we have people losing their jobs and homes, do you want to lose the safety and amenities that you enjoy here in our city?

Jim & Lyndia Bradley

Cape Coral