Fifty-Plus Softball League on budget chopping block
To the editor:
The Cape Coral City Parks and Recreation Dept. has decided to terminate the Fifty Plus Softball League after over 20 years. Despite the obvious health benefits of physical activity and the social benefits of team sports they have arbitrarily cancelled the next season due to budget cuts while keeping the majority of the other programs.
The members of our league reside in Cape Coral, own homes and pay taxes.We reimburse the city about $14,000 a year for the privilege of playing in our home town. Despite a depressed economy with our members, many on fixed incomes and deteriorating retirement accounts still managed to remain optimistic because of this outlet they had. At a time they need it most it is taken away by a Parks and Recreation Dept. clearly out of touch and insensitive to its citizens needs.
I urge the city council to support our league. I can assure them that our members will remember their support or lack of come election time.
Frank M. Russo MD
Cape Coral