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Time for change

By Staff | Jul 11, 2009

To the editor:

Don’t go down without a fight! When elections come this year vote all the incumbents out. Bill Deile says vote for John Sullivan for mayor, I trust Bill. We need people to represent the people and can make the tough choices. All I hear from this administration is raise taxes and rates or create new taxes. No one is willing to make the tough decisions.

Mr. Deile and Mr. Brandt are the only ones who hear what the people want. Since the average income for Cape Coral is $45,000, here’s a novel idea, let’s have any city employee making $60,000 or more take a 10 percent pay cut. If General Motors can get concessions from the UAW then we should be able to. Warren Buffet says this economy is here to stay for a while, so we had better get used to doing more for less. Just as the banks gambled on futures so did our city government and now they want us to cover their losses. It’s time for change!

John Chmura

Cape Coral