Another view
To the editor:
Re: Jennie Pace letter of June 27, “Our neglected leaders”
Ms. Pace, I am profoundly sorry that you have been unable to notice that our great nation has been going down the tubes in a pushcart for several years now. Our economy has been the worst in some 70 years, while our foreign policy was an unmitigated debacle. That’s why most of us voted for change,which is swiftly coming, thankfully.
No, we don’t have FDRs or JFIKs on our political horizon, but we do have some strong, dedicated and promising entities now in charge, that can handle the deep problems we face. (FDR had his obfuscatory,too.)
Perhaps you have forgotten the lessons of 1933 – that only massive and prompt infusions of government money will pull us out of the wilderness. (Dragging it out by doing nothing will only multiply the misery.)
I only hear the Republicans decrying the condition of Social Security and Medicare. They have tried to kill both since their inceptions.
Call healthcare reform what you will, but it is completely unacceptable for one out of every six people to be without any care (nearly 50 millions). If you are wealthy enough to afford any and all healthcare you want or need, that’s fine; however, we don’t need 20,000 deaths a year due to no care.
The reform being discussed is to add an affordable option to the mix, giving nearly all of us a viable choice. it might even lower everyone’s costs, to boot.
If you are content with the present miserable status quo, you have our condolences, because we are not.
As for illegal aliens, who is going to identify and pickup all 12 million or more of them? Then what army will be available to process them all out to their countries of origin? You might be aware that the immigrant quotas are so low that it takes about five years to even talk about it. Which families can stop eating for that long? Immigration problems are not as simple as we would wish.
Oh, and God will intervene to our advantage. Just hang in there.
Wayne K. Hood
Cape Coral