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Goodbye Cape Coral

By Staff | Jun 27, 2009

To the editor:

It’s been a long hard road to this point -but we’re outta here.

After nearly 30 years in Southwest Florida we moved to northwest Cape Coral in the hope of a new beginning, wanting to be part of the exciting growth and development. So it all crashed. I’ve stopped kicking myself for moving my family out here, apparently nobody saw this coming.

But I’ve had it with the City of Cape Coral kicking me and everybody else when we’re down.

Like everybody living up here, I just received the notice of assessment for the future potable water system. Unlike most, I own the lot behind our home so my kids and dogs would have more room to play. So on top of the $3,000 a year we pay in taxes, we now have an assessment for $12,000. Unlike most, I was a small builder who carried mortgages on several lots as building sites… yeah, I had hopes of building something in the Cape, and they’re assessed at $8.000 combined (we’re not counting the lake lot in SW4 with a $19,000 assessment, we’re in the process of giving that away and losing $20,000).

We’re upside down on our home and lots – like almost everyone up here – and, well, the addition of over $20,000 of debt for something that officially won’t be needed for a decade is pretty much the proverbial straw. So, goodbye Cape Coral and thanks for taking what little equity we had. The bank can have our house, the taxes, and the $12,000 assessment. They can have our lots that no-one wants because of the assessments, hook-up fees, and taxes.

The Cape can have it all, except of course the taxes we pay, their stupid mowing fees, money we spend, and the support we gave our schools and businesses – we’ll take those with us – because we’re getting the H out while we still have the shirts on our backs.

Roland Barron

Northwest Cape Coral