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President’s actions raising questions

By Staff | Jun 20, 2009

To the editor:

I have never feared for the future of my country until recently. Now, I don’t care about the party designation of a president as long as they have the ability, character and experience to govern. I fear for our future because we have elected an empty suit a ward healer from one of the most political counties in the country. He has no real experience except one term as senator, no depth and examine what he has done in a few short months in office. He wants peace in the Middle East, an area which respects only two things, strength and fear. Yet he has been traveling the world apologizing for everything we have done. I am sure he is seen as soft and weak, a joke. Meanwhile, at home he is expanding government into new areas reserved for private enterprise. He has humbled the big banks by merely spending billions for bailout. He has taken over two major auto companies, again with billions. And now he wants more billions if not trillions for universal health care. And he is doing all of this with the printing press dollars. He is destabilizing the currency to the point where China, our biggest creditor, wants to abandon the dollar as the world standard currency. These are all of the far left dreams of the Democrats which are coming true. The inmates have, indeed, taken over the asylum and I believe their target is the destruction of the Constitution itself. The left wing has the reigns of government and will soon stuff the courts with left wing judges who make law not uphold it.

If you think government can really run things, remember that the housing crisis was really caused by Barney Frank and Fanny May insisting on selling homes to people who could not afford them. And Obama will extend the same “benefits” to millions more.

Peter Stewart Hare

Cape Coral