Letterman’s joke totally inappropriate
To the editor:
David Letterman’s attack on Sarah Palin’s daughter was neither funny or appropriate. To attempt to make fun of a political figure satirically is what we’ve come to expect from late-night talking heads, but for a 62 -year-old man to take the stage and berate a young girl is absolutely disgusting. Letterman and the network should be ashamed of themselves. I understand, of course, that Gov. Palin is a conservative and advocate for “right to life” and against gun control, issues that the liberal Letterman views negatively, and surely he’s entitled to his opinion. But, to use a young girl in this way, attempting to humiliate her, is wrong and shameful. Mr. Letterman conducted himself like an absolute “meat-head” and I’m sure he has lost a good piece of his audience as a result. Someone needs to define comedy to this man so that we are not ever again subjected to dialogue that offends every sane person. It would be interesting for this pinhead to discuss his own messed up life and important for him to next time pick on someone his own size.
Dick kalfus
Cape Coral