Torture costs American lives
To the editor:
Why bother investigating the U.S.A.’s use of “Torture”? The former Director of the CIA George Tenant said it helped. Did it? This is the same person who claimed their information was a “Slam Dunk.” “Curveball” Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi was just found dead. Hanging in a Libyan jail cell, and it was his bogus information, which G.W. Bush used to justify his invasion of Iraq.
Unlike Bush 41’s “Gulf War,” where we witnessed Iraqi soldiers surrendering en masse` to one lone Apache Helicopter. Iraqi Battalion after battalion, dropped their weapons, and marched towards the Alliance’s Lines. During the end days of WWII, German soldiers by the thousands, made a desperate dash for the American and British Lines. WHY? Because they knew, that they’d be treated fairly and humanely by the U.S. and Allied Forces.
What damage has the U.S.A.’s use of torture caused, since its use has become general knowledge? It will only stiffen their resolve. You won’t see Islamic combatants surrendering when their situation is helpless, not knowing they could face decades of illegal imprisonment and torture, at the hands of the U.S. military and intelligence forces. No siree, now they’re more apt to fight until the death, causing unknown thousands of U.S. casualties instead.
Another note of interest: During the latter days of the War in Vietnam, a Dutch Film Crew, gained access to interview U.S. POW’s, who were being held prisoners, at the infamous “Hanoi Hilton.” The North Vietnamese thought they’d score a big P.R. coup. Instead, all they got was egg on their faces, because of one courageous U.S. POW. While they interviewed him, he was speaking words, which spoke of kind and humane treatment, while in the hands of the North Vietnamese. However, this brave Pilot using his “eyelids” like a Naval Signal Beacon, blinked out the following message using Morse Code:
“- — .-. – ..- .-. .” TORTURE!
Not only was the U.S. citizenry outraged by this, the entire world at large looked upon the North Vietnamese with disgust and disdain. Their P.R. coup went bust instead, and found themselves being pariahs and lost sympathy worldwide.
So why is it that we must openly investigate, prosecute and openly PUNISH, those who are directly responsible for the U.S.A.’s use of torture? My reply shall always be, to remember and repeat that American POW’s message:
“- — .-. – ..- .-. .” “- — .-. – ..- .-. .”!
After all, it is our JOB as good citizens, to “Remember our History, or else repeat it again and again, until we do.
Sincerely with great distress,
Marc S. Killam
U.S. Navy-U.S. Army Retired/Disabled