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Guest opinion: Court fight — 2009; it’s the taxpayers statewide who lose

By Staff | Mar 21, 2009

Tough times should bring out the best in people. Faced with lower revenues, governmental agencies are just like their private sector brothers and sistersshort on cash. This situation holds a tremendous opportunity for collaboration on all levels of government. It is unfortunate for taxpayers as well as some governmental folks that this spirit of working together never showed.

Instead of common goals, we see self-serving interests taking center stage in many agencies. One such conflict flared when the Florida Supreme Court pushed two identical legislative bills, one in the Florida House and one in the Florida Senate, wanting the Florida Legislature to give the state courts control of the Florida Clerks’ duties and revenue.

For over a century and a half, Florida’s Clerks were and at this moment still are the record keepers, in court clerks, and cashiers for the courts. But with the economic crunch hitting across every agency the courts have decided to push their agenda. Misinformation is being pushed by even the Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court. The cry fills the ears of legislators, lawyers and local judges. The chant is “the courts can save the state $200,000,000 if we consolidate and control the activities of the clerks”. Clerks have responded with massive amounts of numbers showing that in fact the numbers provided by the courts are not accurate or complete. In short, the battle is on.

The loser is the Florida taxpayers and the Florida Legislators. Taxpayers lose because trust in the courts and in clerks has been damaged and the cost for the fight is borne by all. The Florida Legislators lose valuable time plus, having to be put on the spot makes it difficult who do you “love”?

As the battle continues with all parties on edge, there is still time for olive branches and cooperation, but the ticking is getting louder and the sounds more damaging. Without mutual respect for each other, all of us in Florida are in the loss column. Stop this now and reach across the divide and start working together on how to make it work better. What have we got to gain a courthouse working together for everyone!

Charlie Green

Lee County Clerk of Courts