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Here’s hoping Obama has the answers

By Staff | Jan 24, 2009

Here’s hoping Obama has the answers

To the editor:

While we are all awaiting out national salvation with “the coming of Obama” it turns my stomach to read articles about Lee “retired” staffers who return to work richer.

My oh my, how the “Honorable Obama” is going to hack straightening out all the machination of the local and national thieves who are raping all our treasures is beyond me. Maybe coming from Illinois, Chicago in particular will give him one step up on all the unscrupulous characters with whom he will have dealings. Hopefully.

But getting back to our local turkeys, how in heaven’s name did we come by a system which can retire a guy for one month, give him over a half a million dollars in a lump sum payment, then give him another $9,000 a month from a state pension and then give him back his job for $242,000 just to continue saving us all? How did we, the electorate, get so insane? And then another guy, we give him $260,000 up front, give him a salary of over $152,000 yearly and hook that up with another $5,000 in monthly pension checks. And then a similar lovely deal for our Lee County school superintendent to the tune of $237,000 up front, coupled with a $5,000 dollar monthly pension check plus his $167,000 dollar yearly salary – on and on we can go. What gives?

Maybe, hopefully, “The Obama” may have some of the answers. Because if he don’t, it’s down the drain for us all-and-that may be just what we need. Maybe “Atlas will finally shrug.”

Joseph F. Curran Sr.

Cape Coral