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The last picture show?

By Staff | Jan 10, 2009

To the editor:

I don’t quite get the picture or is it the “Last Picture Show?”

* 4.5 million claimed jobless pay in late December

* 400,000 jobs have been lost to outsourcimg

* General Motors and Ford cut 50,000 jobs

* Citigroup cut 53,000 jobs in one day

* AP study finds $1.6 billion went to bailed out bank executives

* Lloyd Blanfein, chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs took home $43 million in 2007

* Hank Paulson, United States Treasury Secretary took home $163 million dollars from Goldman Sachs two years earlier

* Ben Shalom Bernanke won’t tell Congress what happened to the $2 trillion the Federal Reserve Chairman gave to private industry

* As of 2008, there are no investment banks left on Wall Street

* If the $700 billion were distributed evenly to 150 million American families, each family would receive $4,666.66. Now that’s a stimulus in the hands of those that would spend it wisely.

* Two former FGCU female coaches split an incredulous $3.4 million in a gender discrimination suit, you guessed it, not because they were raped or fondled but because of alleged concerns that female athletes and coaches were mistreated. Bull spit!

* William Bradshaw, being named FGCU president is a most outrageous appointment, for aside from the above-mentioned debacle, Bradshaw’s original demand for the obliteration of all religious symbols at the university during the Christmas and holiday season was totally insane. His edict was rescinded because of almost total community rejection of the plan.

* Medicare was bilked out of $77 million like an ATM

* Obama appointed Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff. Emanuel, an ardent Zionist, served as a volunteer in the Israeli Defense Force, and is a duel citizen of Israel and the United States. Emanuel is the son of an Israeli terrorist who directly plotted the assassination of Count Benadotte, a Swedish diplomat and United Nation’s peace envoy, who tried to broker peace in Palestine. Change? You have got to be kidding me.

* Gov. Charlie Crist of the McCain disaster put up Alligator Alley for sale (one of Florida’s few income-producing assets). The Cape Coral City Council unanimously condemns the action, however, Rep. Gary Aubuchon approves the sellout.

* Under Crist’s watch the Florida pension fund dropped $40 billion from a year ago.

* Approximately 3 million American jobs were lost during the Bush Regime, and Charlie Crist can’t find a way to cut state employees and staff. What a country.

Government has a natural tendency to increase its own power until it becomes the tyrant. Today in Congress, both federal and state, you have the most self-serving, selfish, me-first, gutless, go along to get along, cockroaches in history. They all seem to come from the same company of loot, rape, pillage, steal,double talk, draw down, and rip-off.

Meanwhile, in Palestine, which is 40 percent Christian, the Israeli blood bath, murder,and genocide continues as the alleged Christian preachers stand squarely in a bucket of horse compost with zippered lips.

Jon Larsen Shudlick

Cape Coral