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We’re looking out for you

By Staff | Dec 27, 2008

To the editor:

I must take this opportunity, especially at this time of the year, to thank those concerned city government activists who spend each and every Monday afternoon attending the council meetings. Like those that fill church pews on Sunday, they occupy their well-worn seats in council chambers. When called upon during public input they give witness to their unceasing investigations of corruption, over spending, missing minutes of recorded council meetings and the like. They are always looking out for me.

The few minutes they spend at the podium is backed up with hours and hours at meetings with like-minded citizens, endless phone calls before council meetings and then after council, comparing notes and strategies. Emails, phone calls or letters to council, the police chief, city vendors, attorneys, state and federal officials. Anyone that will lend an ear or like opinion.

They rely on the city manager and his departments to research any and all request, no matter the cost. Results are compared line for line with reports created when the city was formed. Looking for any situation that can be made into an issue.

Never missing an opportunity to suggest improvements to our city staff, classes in listening (obeying) citizen input, anger management and the like are routinely submitted. Training cost understood to be paid by staff and not the city.

Finally, I have to applaud those concerned city government activists that are able to laser focus on their life-changing mission while others fiddle their time away with our elderly, homeless, veterans and children. We’re looking out for you.

Roger Butts

Cape Coral