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Land purchase gives hope for Everglades restoration

By Staff | Dec 20, 2008

To the editor:

As a group of concerned citizens and business people determined to help save South Florida’s estuaries and rivers, the PURRE Water Coalition is pleased that the South Florida Water Management District has taken the crucial first step. This is a move PURRE has been advocating for years for the long-term benefit of Florida’s beloved waterways, its residents, its economy, and its businesses.

Much work remains to be done. No one thing will solve all of Florida’s water problems, but this deal to purchase 180,000 acres in the Everglades Agricultural Area from U.S. Sugar Corp. is the greatest hope we have to undo, to the extent we can, the damage man has done to Florida’s natural water systems. Acquiring this land is a must. We are grateful to Gov. Charlie Crist and the South Florida Water Management District governing board for having the vision to say “yes” to such an innovative and bold idea even in the face of opposition.

Michael J. Valiquette, chairman


Coalition Foundation

People United to Restore Our Rivers and Estuaries

Fort Myers