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Hearing more, understanding less

By Staff | Dec 20, 2008

To the editor:

Do you attend Cape Coral’s City Council meetings? Do you watch them on T.V.? I attend the meetings on a regular basis, listening very carefully. A phrase that is being used more frequently by some of our city leaders bothers me. Next time you tune in, listen very, very carefully; perhaps you’ll here the same phrase “It is what it is!”

What does this phrase mean to you? Is it a copout? Is it a defeatist attitude? Nothing, absolutely nothing, can be done to change the situation? Has every avenue failed? Thank about it.

When our city leaders were elected, did any of them run on a platform of “it is what it is?” Hello? Didn’t they promise change? Change that would have a positive impact on our city? Didn’t all of them have a burning desire to make a difference? Were they satisfied with the status quo? Think about it. If we, the taxpayers of Cape Coral, would have hidden behind “it is what it is,” we now would have a $110 million extravaganza, namely the public safety building. Our grandchildren would even be burdened with the expense. As it is, the new public safety building is costing about $20 million; thus a savings of about $90 million.

Can you imagine spending an extra $90 million of our hard-earned money? Yes, $90 million.

Was it worth our time to say: “it is not what it is?” You bet. We showed up at the polls and nipped the extravagant project in the butt. It was an astounding victory. Do you remember?

We must never give up, even though the odds are stacked against us. We must demand more accountability from the powerful when spending our money, or making any other decisions affecting our lifestyle

The phrase “It is what it is” is not acceptable; it never has, and never will be, don’t you agree?

If you believe in life, liberty,and justice for all, shouldn’t you get involved? Do you believe in the phrase “united we stand, divided we fall?” Express yourself. Together,we can and will make a difference.

Erick Kuehn

Cape Coral