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Get a life, Marilyn

By Staff | Dec 20, 2008

To the editor:

Marilyn Stout has been a “counter culture Republican” and a perennial candidate for decades but seeking her own benefit rather than adding any luster to our Republican image.

This time she has the local committee on the proverbial horns of a dilemma, a most unpredictable beast when driven by the media. Apparently Ms Stout failed to sign a loyalty oath as required by the State Party rules; and when she finally signed, she had missed the date for said signature. Now she is threatening to continue this matter through the courts, hoping to put the party in a bad light for its insistence on following the rules.

I understand that Ms. Stout has fans and enemies in the party, and I hear from them both. Some think that she is wonderful and the ideal for woman’s lib while others hope some one will throw water on her to see if she melts.

But, in any event, she may be doing severe damage to the party through her errors and omissions and insistence that she apparently is above the rules.

As a long time party member she has shown herself to be “all show and no substance.”

Get a life Marilyn, move on!

Joe Campochiaro

Fort Myers