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What’s ugly?

By Staff | Dec 13, 2008

To the editor:

An endless ocean of rooftops where natural environment once thrived is an ugly indication of overpopulated areas. To combat overgrowth, protect environment and halt development, Florida spent more than $6 billion to purchase 3 million acres from 1999 to 2008.

To get this magnitude of cash, feds stepped in, attached strings, (gaining ground on constitutional states’ rights) and along with state taxpayer funds provided enough money. This does not include the $8 billion plus Everglades project with half of those dollars coming from statewide Florida resources, or the prior $4 billion spent acquiring 3.4 million acres of Everglades.

These programs were in large part Jeb Bush’s contribution to the state. Where are Florida’s’ finances and taxpayer residents today? Be very afraid on who you choose to run for office. Borders, immigration and invitations for those from other nations remain open, clogging all our systems. Closing these gates might have made differences in our lives and country.

Speaking of finances, where is the U.S. economy headed? Like dominoes, we fall and the world follows. Maybe this global economic package needs reconsideration. Whatever the outcome, anointed monetary King Paulson will surely wrap it up in a neat package and sell it to us.

These globalists have an agenda playing musical chairs keeping family in political positions and perhaps a coming hereditary monarchy with Jeb’s questionable run for senate and George P., son of Jeb, moving into Texas Republican Party circles. George, Jeb and Neal, sons of former president H. W., son of former U.S. senator, Prescott Bush rose to the top of their respective positions.

Senator Carolyn Kennedy? Experience is not required, money is and it’s plentiful in the Bush and Kennedy family empires. Yeah, let’s keep this political machine running smoothly through family generations.

Now, that’s ugly!

Want change? Pack your belongings and move away from these friends of the families’ and their political ties.

Mary F. Stump

Fort Myers