Quit the carping
To the editor:
I have just finished reading the letters to the editor and as usual, the local nay-sayers were full of gripes about Cape Coral, they griped about where they used to live, also! The biggest grip I have about Cape Coral is the constant unfounded griping.
Sal is the world champion of bogus statistics. How much time and money is wasted disputing his bogus numbers time after time?
A writer in another paper states, among other things, that city government is “corrupt and fiscally irresponsible.” He says this “cannot be disputed.” Guess what, a lot of us dispute what you say. Speak for your anti-Cape Coral self. Some people, like you, think everyone (except themselves) is corrupt.
Thank you Cape Coral, for this such a great city in spite of the constant loud gripes.
Bill Wendt
Cape Coral