Obama was best choice
To the editor:
The inevitable letter — yes, as promised — I told you so. I had it picked as 51-48.
Nevertheless, Florida has finally restored her heritage and previous time-honor, in the most exciting election since JFK in 1960.
And for once, the status-quo-ers, carpetbaggers and rednecks were not able to do us in. (Ironically, Florida’s 27 electoral votes were not needed — although gratifying.)
How interesting that a fairly honest election can turn out so well.
We can see that nearly half of the population is still confused. Especially so for the rednecks of the cotton belt and tornado alley. They voted as ordered, instead of remembering who buttered their bread. (Exit polls show that 31 percent would have voted for Adolph Hitler)
Most of us were looking for a candidate who was smart, articulate, compassionate, unflappable and confident. We found him. (What were the others looking for?) The people will be in power again — with a unique opportunity to right the ship of state.
Looks like Lee County didn’t help the cause much (what’s new,) but this time it didn’t cut the bulge. Non-working local government will continue unabated (what’s new?)
Too bad we still don’t have a congressman — I guess nobody really wants the job.
Local media endorsements likely are responsible for a continuation of the status-quo.
Always interesting how people will vote against themselves. I noticed that Michael Joseph Scott got away with possibly breaking the law, though he knows that it cost him
Obama — the choice around the world.
Wayne K. Hood
Cape Coral