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Why Social Security benefits are at risk

By Staff | Sep 27, 2008

To the editor:

Have you ever asked yourself why your Social Security benefits are at risk, or worse, possibly non-existent when it comes your time to retire? Here are some sobering facts that are matters of public record and may be checked for their accuracy.

Are you aware that for each single pensioner that worked between 1944 and 2004 (last year of current data) and each pay period being forced to pay FICA taxes that upon retirement you may receive $1,012 in Social Security monthly benefits. Consider this if you are a refugee over the age of 65 you may apply for Social Security and receive $1,890 plus an additional $580 in social assistance accounting for $2,470 per month. Your contribution if you are a refuge? Zero. Nada. Makes you sick to your stomach, doesn’t it? Need more proof? Ladies, are you paying attention?

Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd president, Democrat, term of office, March 4, 1933, until his death on April 12, 1945, introduced FICA or Social Security Tax. He promised participation to be completely voluntary, participants would only need to pay 1 percent of the first $1,400 of their annual income, that the full amount would be tax deductible each year, that the funds would be put into an Independent Trust Fund rather than the General Operating Fund only to be used as a retirement fund and that the annuity payments would be tax free. That was the promise!

Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th president, Democrat, term of office, Nov. 22, 1963, until Jan. 20, 1969. Both the House and Senate, Democratically controlled, voted to remove the Social Security funds earmarked for participants’ retirement fund to be transferred into the General Operating Fund.

James E. Carter, 39th president, Democrat, term of office, Jan. 20, 1977, to Jan. 20, 1981. Began allowing immigrants into this country age 65 or over to collect Social Security without paying one penny into it, nada.

William J. Clinton, 42nd president, Democrat, term of office, Jan. 20, 1993, through Jan. 20, 2001. Al Gore, 45th vice president, Democrat, term of office, Jan. 20, 1993, until Jan. 20, 2001, cast the deciding vote allowing taxation of Social Security benefits.

Democrats claim it’s being reported by most journalists that it’s the Republicans that are taking away your Social Security benefits. Be informed, not misled! Don’t tell me what you are going to do for me, show me what you have done.

Charles R. Alexander

Bokeelia, Fla.