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Better public transit needed

By Staff | Sep 27, 2008

To the editor:

For some odd reason, people in Lee County have not realized that this area is no longer a vacation spot but a growing urban area. One primary example is our public transportation. At a time when gas is at an all-time high those in power have decided to reduce the bus availability times. While areas all over the country are actively promoting the use of public transportation, Lee County is reducing the routes and times. Living in two cities in the ’80s with population smaller than Cape Coral, I am shocked that 20 years later there is still no bus service to facilitate those attending their places of worship.

Some will say we cannot afford this service due to recent property tax reductions. This is the same argument being used to justify our school budget loss. Where did they think money would come from when they voted for the Property Amendment? The tax fairy?

Here’s a suggestion — make a realistic transportation system, give students free to and from school bus passes, thus reducing the need for an entire fleet of school buses, placing the funds back in the classroom. Some exemptions will apply based on age, disability, etc.

It’s just a suggestion but it might bring the county into the 21st century, provide jobs, reduce foreign oil dependence and positive relationship with the U.S.

And you don’t have to be a mayor or commissioner to figure this one out, but you should consider it when voting for one.

Simone Bynoe

Cape Coral