Vote for change, against status quo
To the editor:
Hoo-boy! With so many political naiveties out there, it’s no wonder that our national elections are always so close these days. Also, the local incumbents, regardless of poor performance, are regularly returned to continue the “status quo.”
Even our continually declining public school system is not immune to oblivion; rubber stamp school boards are routinely endorsed and returned to power.
Now John McCain, another “C” student, following on Bush’s failed policies, is convincing some of those naiveties to vote for him. Heck, I should have thrown in my hat long ago; and with my great platform, I would probably outpace Ralph Nader!
Some guys out there believe McCain has a viable health care plan and will cut taxes for you and me. Fat chance, G.I.! The “status quo-ers” will do us in every time.
On a more serious note, I believe this may be our last chance to redeem this once great nation and world. This may be the last president we will ever have!
Wayne K. Hood
Cape Coral