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Americans have access to both sides of the issues

By Staff | May 24, 2008

To the editor:

In regards to “Some Americans are Un-American,” Mr Kalfus’ views this issue with blinders on. His criticism of the media as liberal, arrogant and needing to keep their opinions to themselves is laughable. Where was Mr. Kalfus when the huge majority of both radio and television were overrun with only the conservative point of view? Remember when Rush Limbaugh had a television show that focused on a countdown to the end of the first Clinton term? Only later to go off the air when Clinton was re-elected. Now that there is opinion TV and radio from both sides, people have a choice of more than one sided propaganda.

As an American who participates in democracy, I am happy we have both sides of the issue presented; but I realize it is only opinion and educate myself. I may not agree with some statements but I appreciate, like most Americans, that we can hear both sides.

To hear all aspects is an example of intellectually honest thinkers not “unappreciative idiots.” It is these very people who will take us out of this political falsehood we have been in for the last eight years with the Bush errors that have made him the lowest rated president in recent history. I just hope we get a good health care system from the general election; after all, there must be a cure for Mr. Kalfus’s “liberal far left” sickness.

Simone Bynoe

Cape Coral