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Lake Kennedy Senior Center named PSC Helping Hand

By Staff | Aug 26, 2015

TALLAHASSEE – Florida’s Public Service Commission is recognizing Cape Coral’s Lake Kennedy Senior Center as a PSC Helping Hand for helping raise public awareness about the Lifeline Assistance telephone discount program, energy and water conservation, and utility impersonation scams.

“We appreciate Lake Kennedy Senior Center’s willingness to share the PSC’s important information with residents,” said PSC Chairman Art Graham. “Through an ongoing partnership, we distribute our Lifeline, scam protection, and conservation materials to seniors, who can most benefit from the information.”

Each month the PSC highlights a partner agency or organization whose clients are eligible for the federal Lifeline program and/or need help reducing energy and water bills. Through these PSC Helping Hand partnerships, the Commission shares vital information to help consumers better manage their resources to meet their monthly bills.

Look for all the PSC Helping Hand outreach partner recognitions on the PSC’s homepage, www.floridapsc.com, under Hot Topics.

About the Lake Kennedy Senior Center

Lake Kennedy Senior Center, located on Santa Barbara Boulevard in Cape Coral, emphasizes activities for seniors and has been serving the community for over 20 years. The staff is committed to encouraging personal growth by offering a variety of life enhancing programs that foster new friendships, promote healthy lifestyles, and help maintain independence. For more information on the center, call 239-574-0575 or visit www.capecoral.net.