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Company to offer health screenings

By Staff | Jan 30, 2009

Life Line Screening, a national company focusing on preventative health care, will offer stroke and osteoporosis screenings in Cape Coral on Monday.

Strokes, or “brain attacks,” occur when blood ceases to flow in the brain causing cells to die. Blood vessels can be blocked in an ischemic stroke or broken open in hemorrhagic stroke.

Strokes are the third leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer. But, according to health experts, 80 percent of them are preventable.

On Monday at 9 a.m., Cape residents can receive up to five screenings at the First Christian Church, at 2620 Country Club Blvd. Screenings are painless and help identify problems such as blocked arteries or irregular heart beats that can lead to severe health problems in the future.

Residents also are tested for abdominal aortic aneurysms and hardening of arteries in the legs. Women can receive a bone density test to determine if they are developing osteoporosis.

“There are a number of different packages. The most common is a complete wellness,” said Joelle Reizes, spokesperson for Life Line Screening. “It is four for stroke and vascular disease, and one bone density test for osteoporosis.”

Each of the tests are designed for people over the age of 50, because after the age of 55 the risk of stroke doubles every 10 years.

According to Life Line Screening, Americans will pay about $65.5 billion in 2008 for stroke-related medical costs while preventative measures can save patients from having many of these expenses.

“That is the target age group for this type of medical testing,” said Reizes. “Each screening takes a few minutes, but you would need 60 to 90 minutes total for the whole package.”

According to Reizes, the complete screening package will cost $140. Pre-registration can be made by calling 877-237-1287 or visit: www.lifelinescreening.com.