Do The Right Thing monthly winners announced

The Cape Coral Police Department hosted its Do The Right Thing Student Recognition Awards ceremony for the month of January on Wednesday at City Hall. The following students were recognized for their positive attitudes towards school and family, their healthy decisions regarding drugs and violence, as well as their good citizenship.
Overall winner
– Andrew Sund, seventh grade, Challenger Middle, son of Marcia and Gregory Sund
Andrew was nominated for the efforts he gives to the SADD club. SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions, teaches that positive peer pressure, role models and other strategies can help students say “no” to underage drinking, other drug use, impaired driving, teen violence and teen depression and suicide in addition to drinking and driving. Andrew attends SADD meetings and participates in the club’s projects. He recently donated his time and creativity to make an excellent PowerPoint presentation containing information about drugs and alcohol to be shown during the morning announcements. Andrew is helping his entire school community to say no to destructive decisions.
– Brandon Graves, kindergarten, Tropic Isles Elementary, son of Paul and Kimberly Graves

Brandon spends every other weekend with his dad. Quite often the two of them ride their bikes to Horton Park. Quite some time ago as the two walked along the seawall at Horton Park, Brandon noticed a plastic bottle in the rocks and asked his dad to lower him down onto the rocks so he could pick it up. His dad did, and the one bottle led to another and soon everything that had washed ashore was retrieved and in the trash can. This has become an ongoing project for Brandon each time he stays with his dad.
– Amanda Gross, fourth grade, Diplomat Elementary, daughter of Jamie and Adam Gross
Amanda rides the bus with her third-grade brother and her second-grade neighbor. One day in October, Amanda’s bus route had a substitute driver. The man spoke only broken English and when he pulled over and said “your stop” the three did not challenge the driver but respectfully got off the bus. Amanda knew the houses looked different but thought she may just be a street away from her normal bus stop. In reality, they were about two miles from home. Amanda led the younger two back home keeping them as close to the shoulder of the road as she could as there were no sidewalks. Especially on busy streets like Santa Barbara Boulevard, Amanda kept the younger children safe and calm. It took over an hour for Amanda to lead the children two miles back to their homes with afternoon traffic on a hot humid day.
– Baylor Hart, fourth grade, Trafalgar Elementary, son of Donna and Derek Hart
As Baylor’s mom waited in the student pick-up line for Baylor and his sister Riley, she took an antibiotic that was prescribed to her. When the students got in the car, Hart’s voice was very faint, but it was not until they got home that she lost her voice completely and her lips started swelling. Baylor and his mom both recognized the symptom as an allergic reaction to the medication as it had happened once before, so Baylor first called his dad who works on Sanibel to tell him what was happening. Baylor’s dad said that if it worsened, Baylor should call 911 which is what he did. He explained the situation to the operator and gave her the address. He then recharged his mom’s cell phone so that he could call his dad back when the emergency workers arrived so they could explain to him where they were going to take her. Finally, he got his sister dressed and to the neighbors house so they would not be left alone and called his dad once again to tell him that they were OK. Baylor took full control of the situation and coordinated all of the communication until his dad arrived home.

– Corey Leppelmeier, eighth grade, Gulf Middle, son of Ken and Sheryl Leppelmeier
Corey is being recognized for all the time and effort he put in to enhance Gulf Middle School. His dad is the building supervisor at Gulf so he is on the campus seven days a week, and right by his side is Corey. School starts for this young man at 9:45 a.m., but he gets there at 6 a.m. with his dad and helps put the lunch tables down each morning and assists with any small jobs that need to be done. Often he stays until 6 p.m. He is also at the school on Saturdays and Sundays doing landscaping, pulling weeds, mulching and trimming plants. Gulf Middle has been going through renovations since summer and Corey has been there every step of the way to help with moving items to the portables and carrying boxes, furniture, and equipment. Corey does all of this without ever expecting any recognition. He is dependable, honest and upbeat, and serves as a positive role model for his schoolmates.
– Victoria Littlestone, seventh grade, Challenger Middle, daughter of Elissa and Michael Littlestone
– Seth Littlestone, 10th grade, Mariner High, son of Elissa and Michael Littlestone
Seth and Victoria were nominated for, among other things, their selflessness. Both donate their time by volunteering for the TLC, Tender Loving Care Center. Seth also volunteers at church. Seth is on the varsity wrestling team and has given up his Saturdays to coach “upward” football, while his sister co-coaches “upward” cheerleading. On Sundays, they go to the nursing home to visit their grandmother. Recently their family has taken in three kids from the TLC center. In order to make room for them, Victoria has changed her room around to include bunk beds and a toddler bed. Seth replaced his weight bench and weights from his room with a crib and a changing table. Both students share their time, home and family without ever complaining.