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Tate to hold town hall meeting

By Staff | Jan 17, 2009

Gloria Tate will host her first town hall meeting since being appointed to the District 1 Cape Coral Council seat last month on Jan. 27 at the Cape Coral Association of Realtor building at 6:30 p.m.

The meeting will be confined to topics related to District 1, such as the Yacht Club and the Community Redevelopment Agency.

“I’m trying to keep this District 1 focused,” Tate said.

Tate organized the meeting within a week after being appointed to the District 1 seat on Dec. 15.

“I just thought it would be a good idea. I’ve been getting a lot of calls and e-mails from people in the district,” she said.

Tate, who also served as the District 1 Councilmember from 1996 to 2005, held one town hall meeting per year during her previous terms on the council. Her current term is set to expire at the end of the year, but Tate is yet to determine if she will call another town hall meeting before her term runs out.

“It depends on what issues come back up,” she said.

The following topics will be discussed:

– the Sunshine Ambassador Program and Median Beautification

– the Yacht Club Master Plan update

– the South Station Police Department update

– the new District 1 Fire Station update

The CRA also will be part of the conversation, but a proposal to incorporate the closed golf course into the CRA will not.

“The golf course isn’t part of our district, so it won’t be discussed,” Tate said.

Anyone with questions or comments is asked to e-mail Tate at gtate@capecoral.net ahead of the meeting so she has time to research the issue.