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Sobriety checkpoint planned by FMPD, FHP

By Staff | Dec 30, 2008

The Fort Myers Police Department, the Florida Highway Patrol and other members of the Law Enforcement Against Drunk Driving Task Force will conduct a DUI sobriety checkpoint sometime this coming holiday weekend. The operation will take place at an undisclosed location in the City of Fort Myers as FMPD continues its commitment to getting impaired drivers off our roadways. Checkpoint emphasis is placed on the following: 1. Remove impaired drivers from the roadway 2. Reduce the likelihood impaired drivers will operate their vehicles on our roadways 3. Heighten awareness 4. Educate the public on the dangers of drunk driving.

These activities are enhanced by the participation of state and local law enforcement agencies. Various community partnerships, including planned DUI sobriety checkpoints, are established with the goal of educating and informing the public on traffic safety issues. Recently, FMPD received funding from the Florida Department of Transportation to host DUI checkpoints. The money helps purchase DUI checkpoint equipment and to pay officers overtime when they participate in the checkpoints.