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Pandemic could infect millions

By Staff | Jul 24, 2009

TALLAHASSEE (AP) – A top state medical official says 5 million Floridians could contract the swine flu within a year if the virus follows the pattern of previous pandemics.

Acting state epidemiologist Dr. Richard Hopkins said Thursday that pandemics are deadly because so many people get sick. He notes that as many as 30 percent or more of the population was infected in previous pandemics.

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says they’ve been estimated this pandemic could be along the lines of the 1957 Asian flu outbreak, with similar infection rates.

Florida has reported that 22 residents infected with the H1N1 virus have died, including 10 in the last three weeks. Officials counts say at least 2,900 Floridians have been sickened from the virus. However, experts say adding in unreported illnesses would make the actual number much higher. Officials expect more cases after public schools open next month.