Report: Fla. graduation rate 5th lowest in nation
TAMPA (AP) – Florida’s high school graduation rate is among the lowest in the nation, though progress is being made in several districts, including in Tallahassee and Fort Pierce, according to a study released Tuesday.
The annual “Diplomas Count” report by the nonprofit Editorial Projects in Education determined that 57.5 percent of students completed high school on time with a regular diploma in 2006, compared to 69.2 percent nationwide. That’s slightly lower than the 2005 graduation rate of 60.8 percent and the fifth lowest nationwide.
State Department of Education figures indicate the 2006 rate was actually 71 percent. State officials use a different method to calculate the graduation rate, following individual students and including special and General Education Development diplomas. The Diplomas Count report uses a calculation looking at enrollment and diploma recipients.
Education Commissioner Eric Smith noted the differences in methodology.
“However, regardless of how the rate is calculated, there is no doubt that improvements are needed,” he said.
Smith said his department is making changes to the high school accountability program, which will take graduation rates and advanced coursework offerings into account. The state is also increasing support for struggling schools and using new reading assessments and education standards that will “ensure that students are learning what they need to know so they not only earn a diploma, but leave school fully prepared for college or a career.”
Among the other findings about Florida’s graduation rate included in the report: Female students outperformed males, graduating at a rate of 58.9 percent, compared to 50.4. Asian and Pacific Islander students had the highest graduation rate across all racial and ethnic groups in the state, at 81.7 percent, followed by American Indian and Alaska Native; white; Hispanic; and black students.
Looking at Florida’s graduation rate year by year since 1996 shows some fluctuation, from a low of 49.9 percent in 2000 to a high of 60.8 in 2005. The 2006 rate was the same as the 1996 rate, according to the report.
The study estimates that about 104,000 Florida students will fail to graduate with a diploma this year, which amounts to a loss of 578 students each school day.
The report also identified 33 of the nation’s largest urban school districts that exceeded their expected graduation rates by at least 10 percentage points or higher. Among the 33 districts were two in Florida: Leon and Hillsborough, which include the cities of Tallahassee and Tampa, respectively. Hillsborough had a graduation rate of 63 percent, 12 points higher than anticipated, while Leon County posted a graduation rate of 66 percent, or 15 points higher than expected.
Christopher Swanson, director of EPE, characterized Leon’s graduation rate as a “significant degree of overperformance,” but said that what exactly accounts for it is uncertain. He said they hope people in the community will take a close look at their experience and share their findings with the rest of the country.
Leon and St. Lucie counties were also identified as having made exceptional progress in improving their graduation rates over a ten year period, from 1996 to 2006. Leon improved its graduation rate by 12 points during those years, while St. Lucie saw an improvement of 11 percent, according to the report.