Justices asked to resolve judge election dispute
TALLAHASSEE (AP) – Gov. Charlie Crist has asked the Florida Supreme Court whether a suspended lawyer can take office as a judge in Palm Beach County.
Crist asked for the advisory opinion Tuesday.
William Abramson unseated Circuit Judge Richard Wennet in November’s election. Abramson was declared the winner by 61 votes after a third recount.
In December, though, the Supreme Court suspended Abramson from practicing law for 91 days over a 2005 outburst in Wennet’s court. Even after the 91 days are up, Abramson cannot practice law unless reinstated by the Florida Bar.
Abramson’s lawyer, Larry Klayman, said Crist’s request is unncessary because Abramson has asked the Supreme Court for a rehearing on the suspension and the Judicial Qualifications Commission already has set a hearing on the issue.