The justices Thursday rejected that and other state claims in a 6-0 opinion. The high court cited a law that lifts indigent prisoners' filing fees for "collateral criminal proceedings."

The ruling came in the case of Leo J. Cox, also known as Leonard J. Cook, who was"/>
The justices Thursday rejected that and other state claims in a 6-0 opinion. The high court cited a law that lifts indigent prisoners' filing fees for "collateral criminal proceedings."

The ruling came in the case of Leo J. Cox, also known as Leonard J. Cook, who was"/> Fla. justices rule in favor of indigent prisoners | News, Sports, Jobs - Cape Coral Breeze
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Fla. justices rule in favor of indigent prisoners

By Staff | Dec 4, 2008

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) – The Florida Supreme Court says indigent inmates don’t have to pay filing fees for appeals affecting how much time they can get off their sentences for good behavior.

The Department of Corrections argued that waiving the fees would “open the flood gates” for such appeals.

The justices Thursday rejected that and other state claims in a 6-0 opinion. The high court cited a law that lifts indigent prisoners’ filing fees for “collateral criminal proceedings.”

The ruling came in the case of Leo J. Cox, also known as Leonard J. Cook, who was convicted of committing second-degree murder in 1995 in Alachua County. He wants to challenge a law that limits time off to no more than 15 percent of a sentence.