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Baby almost dies from watered-down formula

By Staff | Dec 2, 2008

TAMPA (AP) – A mother who watered down her infant’s formula to save money almost watched the 5-month old die. Now, hospital officials are cautioning cash-strapped parents from trying something similar.

La’Damian Barton was hospitalized at University Community Hospital in Tampa last week after he had a seizure and stopped breathing. Doctors diagnosed water intoxication and malnourishment in the infant.

Dr. James Orlowski, chief of Pediatrics at UCH, said the baby had low blood sodium, which is why he had a seizure. At 8 pounds, 6 ounces, the baby is severely underweight and should weigh about 12 pounds now, the doctor said.

“He looks like he was in a concentration camp,” Orlowski said.

The child was expected to be released later Tuesday.

The infant’s mother, 23-year-old Jeri Moss, said she had no idea adding the extra water was dangerous.

“I was trying to stretch the formula,” she said.

She said she was trying to stretch the allotment of baby formula cans she receives each month from the federal WIC program for low-income families. The technical college student said she couldn’t afford to buy more.

“WIC only gave me 8-10 cans a month, he goes through 15 cans,” Moss added.

An official with the Hillsborough County Health Department said WIC isn’t intended to cover all a child’s nutritional needs.

Moss told doctors that she put two scoops of formula in 10 ounces of water; Orlowski said she should have put in five scoops.

La’Damian seems fine now, but will need to be monitored over the next few years. The child could suffer cerebral palsy, seizure disorder or mental retardation.