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DNA testing brings new trial in murder case

By Staff | Nov 15, 2008

VIERA, Fla. (AP) _ A man who spent 27 years in prison for murder will get a new trial because of DNA evidence.

William Dillon, 49, was serving a life sentence for killing James Dvorak in 1981 at Indian Harbor Beach. Police said he was bludgeoned to death in a robbery.

A judge ordered the new trial Friday. Dillon’s lawyers say DNA testing shows Dillon did not wear the killer’s T-shirt. An eyewitness identified the shirt spattered with the victim’s blood.

His 27 years equals the longest time in prison of the 223 people already exonerated by DNA nationally.

Dillon will be jailed pending a bond hearing Tuesday. His retrial is set for January, but his lawyers predicted the state will drop the charge.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press.