Fiction writing workshop available
Inspiration is the basis for all fiction, but it’s knowledge of technique that puts that vision across to the reader. Join novelist Sara Williams in a walk through of the Fundamentals of Fiction: point of view, the arc of the character, conflict, the uses of setting, plot points, pacing, dialogue, and more.
Williams’ first novel The Don Juan Con was optioned in Hollywood; her second was a PBS/FL radio and magazine feature.
Williams is a former Fort Myers News Press reporter and columnist whose work was frequently syndicated via the national Gannett wire.
Her third novel, One Big Itch, was released in January.
This event, sponsored by the Pine Island Writers, will be held on March 28 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 at St. Johns Episcopal Church, at 7771 Stringfellow Road in St. James City.
The attendance fee is $12.00 Call 283-4476 for additional information.