Volunteer opportunities as of Feb. 3
Latest Volunteer Opportunities
* ACT (Abuse Counseling & Treatment, Inc.) is in need of volunteers for Second Act Thrift Store, children’s program, art gallery, court advocacy, transportation, hotline, housekeeping, office support, individual and group counseling. Contact RSVP of Lee County at 275-1881ext. 203 for further details.
* American Cancer Society needs volunteers for office work, answering phones and assisting at the local community events. For more information, call RSVP of Lee County at 275-1881 ext. 203.
Source: Retired & Senior Volunteer Program of Lee County
3600 Evans Ave., Fort Myers, Florida 33901 Phone: (239) 275-1881 Fax: (239) 931-0667
Web site: www.volunteerlee.org