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Education Notes

By Staff | Jan 20, 2009

Cape Coral

Courtney L. Creamer

Mississippi College has named local student Courtney L. Creamer to the president’s list. To be eligible for the president’s list, a student must maintain a 4.0 GPA.

Masonic children’s identification program

Cape Coral Masonic Lodge will create a limited number of child identification videos. The drivers license bureau will issue child ID cards and the Cape Coral Police and Lee County Sheriff’s Dept. will perform finger-printing for the children. There will be games, free hot dogs and a drink, free candy and more.

This event takes place at 24 Santa Barbara Blvd. (1/2 mile south of Pine Island Road, in between Sun Splash and Coral Lanes bowling alley) on Jan. 31 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information call 574-2122.

Rotary Park

Rotary Park Environmental Center program, Just for Kids – Magic:

Learn magic I (6 to 8 year olds) Saturday, Feb. 7, from 1 to 3 p.m. Classes include all props and instruction. Cost is $30 for Cape residents and $33 for non-residents.

Learn magic II (9 to 12 year olds) Saturday, Feb. 14, from 1 to 3 p.m. Class includes all props and instruction. Book. Cost is $30 for Cape residents and $33 for non-residents.

Registration is required in advance.

Classes are taught by Stuart Rudnick. Call Rotary Park at 549-4606 or go to: www.capeparks.com.

Christ Lutheran opens enrollment

Christ Lutheran has opened enrollment to new students VPK through 6th grade for the 2009 -2010 school year. In addition to outstanding curriculum, an athletic program, Spanish, art, music and computer technology; before and after school and summer camp are available.

Christ Lutheran School is at 2911 Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral. For more information, call 542-8768. or visit: www.clcs-fl.com.

Tutors needed to teach English

More than 40 adults in Cape Coral and Fort Myers want to learn English and are waiting for a tutor, according to Literacy Volunteers of Lee County (LVLC).

Volunteer tutors are required to attend a one-day training session sponsored by LVLC.

Tutors must be adults (over the age of 18) who are willing to commit a minimum of one hour of tutoring time per week for a minimum of a year; must be a high-school graduate, literate in English, and do not need to speak another language.

Tutor training sessions are eight hours long and start at 9 a.m. The next class will be Saturday, Feb. 21, at Epiphany Episcopal Church.

The training is free; $30 is requested to cover the cost of the materials. Scholarships are available. Volunteers will be trained to teach an adult who speaks another language how to read, write, speak and understand English. Trained tutors will be matched with a student or students who want to learn English.

Adults who are interested in taking the training are invited to contact LVLC at 242-4374 for a packet of information and a registration form.

Christa McAuliffe Charter Elementary

Christa McAuliffe Charter Elementary School will begin VPK enrollment for the 2009-10 school year on Thursday, Feb. 12 starting at 8:30 a.m. in their cafeteria. Call 283-4511 for questions.

North Fort Myers


Griffin’s Martial Arts Center, LLC 4150 Hancock Bridge Parkway, North Fort Myers. on Saturday, Jan. 31, from 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m., will be holding a Kick-a-thon to raise money for St. Jude Children’s hospital. Along with the kick-a-thon a series of free seminars will be available for families.

For more information call Sean Griffin at 997-8990.

Fort Myers

High Tech Central

Lee County High Tech Center Central is now accepting applications for the Heavy Duty Truck and School Bus program. Classes begin Jan. 21.

This program is 1,680 hours in length and can be completed in 11/2 – 2 years. The program will be taught by Joel Ambrioso.

Interested students are urged to call 334-4544 ext. 343 for more information.

Edison State College

Edison State College Lee County Campus presents the following programs.

Presidential Inauguration with motivational speaker Jonathan Sprikles this evening at 7 p.m. in P-103.

Laughter on the Goseries Thursday, Jan. 22 12:30 p.m. in student Activities Center (S-102).

Lamb of God Lutheran Church

Annual Provider Conference, Jan. 31, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. at Lamb of God Lutheran Church, 19691 Cypress View Drive, Fort Myers. The fee is $25 and includes a book. Space is limited, pre-registration is required.

To register and more information contact Ashley Honk at 935-6118 or email: ahonk@4cflorida.org.


Florida Gulf Coast University for Judaic, Holocaust and Human Rights Studies hosts a talk by Holocaust historian Christopher Browning on Sunday, Feb. 1at 2 p.m. in Academic Building V, room 112. The talk, “Remembering Survival: The Starachowice Factory Slave Labor Camps,” is free and open to the public, and no reservation is required.

For more information visit: www.fgcu.edu/hc.

A free lecture from ethologist Marc Bekoff, Ph.D, on Tuesday Feb. 3 at 7 p.m., in the Student Union Ballroom.

For more information contact Susanne Schraeder, 334-803-1640 or e-mail: powerofone@eagle.fgcu.edu.

Lunchbox Theatre Series

Lunchbox Theatre Series at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center. The $12 admission includes a performance and lunch and workshop. Call 332-4488 Performances: Schoolhouse Rock, LIVE, continues Jan. 24 and April 11 Cinderella Confidential, Jan. 31, Feb. 7, 14 and April 4 and ZAP, Feb. 28, march 7, 14 and 21.

Computer classes

Deadline to register for the following computer class is Jan. 26.

Computer class: two day, Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 2-3, Excel I 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Cost $55.

Deadline to register for following classes is Feb. 2.

Computer classes: one day, Monday, Feb. 9.

PowerPoint, 8 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. cost $40.

Computer class: one day, Tuesday, Feb. 10.

Publisher 8 a.m.-2:30 .pm. cost $40.

Computer class – Evenings, Feb. 10 and 11.

QuickBooks Pro 2007 – Payroll 6:-9 p.m. cost $45.

Call 939-6320 to register or visit web site at www.leecountybis.com.

Business & Industry Services (BIS) 2855 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers 33966.

Summer camp at Alliance of the Arts

The Lee County Alliance for the Arts summer camp pre-registration begins Feb. 1 for Alliance members and opens to the general public on March 1. Summer camp begins June 22 and the Triple Threat MusicalTheatre Camp begins June 29. Visit www.artinlee.org for more information. For questions contact Scott Guelcher at 239-939-7287.


Tropical Cooking Extravaganza

The 12th annual Tropical Cooking Extravaganza in Sanibel will be held Monday, Jan. 26 through 31 at 10 a.m. A week of classes at Jacaranda Restaurant in Sanibel. Call the cooking school at 440-729-1110 or visit: www.lpscinc.com to register.