Petrovich provided the Final Notice of Disciplinary Action to Suskevich today.

Suskevich and his wife were arrested Aug. 17 after Key West police officers were called to their vacation home following a report of a gunshot. The officers searched the home and found marijuana in the house, which Suskevich and his wife said belonged to her. Suskevich was a"/>
Petrovich provided the Final Notice of Disciplinary Action to Suskevich today.

Suskevich and his wife were arrested Aug. 17 after Key West police officers were called to their vacation home following a report of a gunshot. The officers searched the home and found marijuana in the house, which Suskevich and his wife said belonged to her. Suskevich was a"/> Cape police officer involved in Key West incident terminated by police chief | News, Sports, Jobs - Cape Coral Breeze
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Cape police officer involved in Key West incident terminated by police chief

By Staff | Jan 6, 2009

Cape Coral Police Chief Rob Petrovich has terminated Officer Curt Suskevich for “conduct unbecoming a police officer” following an internal affairs investigation into the officer’s actions while on vacation in Key West.

Petrovich provided the Final Notice of Disciplinary Action to Suskevich today.

Suskevich and his wife were arrested Aug. 17 after Key West police officers were called to their vacation home following a report of a gunshot. The officers searched the home and found marijuana in the house, which Suskevich and his wife said belonged to her. Suskevich was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana.

Because of these charges, Cape Coral police placed Suskevich on administrative leave. The criminal charges against Suskevich eventually were dismissed, and the department then launched an internal investigation into the incident, officials said.

“After reviewing all of the information gathered during the investigation, I concluded that Officer Suskevich’s employment with the Cape Coral Police Department should be terminated,” Petrovich said in a prepared statement issued today. “This investigation took a little longer than anticipated because I wanted to be very thorough and deliberative as I made my decision regarding Officer Suskevich and his future as a law enforcement officer.”

While Petrovich did not concur with the findings that sustained allegations of possession of a controlled substance and an intentional violation of state law, he did concur that a preponderance of the evidence supported the finding of “conduct unbecoming a police officer,” according to the city’s statement.

“The circumstances and facts regarding the possession allegations still raised questions in my mind, which is why I did not concur with those charges,” Petrovich said. “However, the statements Officer Suskevich made to Key West police clearly indicated that he was aware of his wife’s marijuana use and took no affirmative action to address the illegal activity. This is unacceptable behavior for a police officer.”

Suskevich has the option of appealing his termination as provided in Article 8 of Ordinance 50-94 or grieving his suspension through Article 11 of the Police Collective Bargaining Agreement. He was hired by the Cape Coral Police Department on March 13, 1999, and his salary was $59,945.

Source: City of Cape Coral/Cape Coral Police Department