Upcoming programs at the Edison & Ford Winter Estates
The Edison & Ford Winter Estates will offer a variety of programs, classes, and events throughout the month of January.
– Estates Annual After the Holidays Sale, January 10, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Selected items from Holiday Nights and the estates retail shops including wreaths, ornaments, ribbons and fabrics will be on sale for one day only with all proceeds benefiting the estates’ education and community programs. Shoppers can park free in the estates main parking lot and should bring bags and boxes to stock up on great holiday decorations. The sale will be held in the estates public garden area, and is free to the public.
– Etiquette at the Estates, Mimi’s & Mina’s Manners, Jan. 10, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Etiquette at the Estates teaches children (ages 6 – 12) proper introductions, handshakes and dining etiquette during a three-course meal. The classes are taught by etiquette expert Suzanne Willis, who has been teaching similar classes throughout the nation. Estates members $40; $50 for non-members.
– New Volunteer Orientation, Jan. 13, 10 a.m. Join estates staff to learn about the history of the Edison & Ford Winter Estates homes, gardens and inventions of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. Interested potential volunteers are welcome as well as estates volunteers.
– Home-schoolers: “See Sound,” Jan. 16, 1-3 p.m. Home-schooled students and their parents can enroll in a half day of curriculum that follows the Florida Sunshine objectives for learning. The programs follow the Lee County mandated program and addresses environmental science, history and reading SOLS. Pre-visit curriculum materials will be mailed to registered families. Estates members $5; non-members $15 (one adult, one child), additional $5 per child. Registration required.
– Propagation Methods of Historical Edison Plants, Jan. 17, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Thomas Edison brought to Southwest Florida over 1,000 varieties of botanicals. Today, the estates staff and master gardener volunteers propagate Edison’s historic plants for sale and to historically landscape Edison’s Fort Myers estate. Join the estates horticulturist to learn how to propagate plants to add to your own garden landscape. Estates members, $10; non-members $15. Registration required.
– Estates Wild Wizard Lab Show, “See Sound,” Jan. 26, 2 p.m. The Estates Super Scientists present a series of wild lab experiments exploring some of Mr. Edison’s and Mr. Ford’s illuminating inventions. “See Sound” explores the science of sound and music, Foley Art (sound effects) and perform phonograph experiments. Fun for all ages. Estates members, free; non-members, $10 adults, $5 children.
The estates is open daily from 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.For additional information call 239-334-7419 or visit the Web site at www.efwefla.org.