Religion Briefs
Cape Coral
Cape Christian Fellowship
Seeing the big picture can make the difference in living our lives with no regrets. This week, Pastor Dennis Gingerich launches a new series “If I Lived My Life Over” with the message “Overcome Short-sightedness.” This three-part series will share three essentials for living with no regrets.
Sunday contemporary worship times are 9 and 11 a.m. There are classes for children and youth and a safe and caring nursery provided during all worship gatherings. The EDGE High School gathering is held on Wednesdays 7-8:30 p.m
Starting on Jan. 10, at 5 p.m Saturday evening contemporary worship celebration will be added.There will be a nursery and classes for all children through middle school available..
Cape Christian Fellowship is located at 2110 Chiquita Blvd., 1/3 mile north of Veteran’s Parkway. For more information, call 772-5683;
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Cape Coral is beginning the spring women’s Bible study Jan. 6-March 31, from 9-11 a.m. or 7-9 p.m. on the “Book of Phillipians.”
Women of the Word is a program that brings women in the Lee County area together to support one another in their faith. Women who are mothers are involved in the study, their children have a special program for all ages. The study is done in small groups that become support groups as relationships are developed. The study meets Tuesday mornings from 9-11 a.m. or 7-9 p.m. at Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 701 Mohawk Parkway. There is a complete nursery and children’s program, including home-schoolers. Space is limited for the children’s programs. For more information call 549-5556.
Kehilat Aish Chodesh
Kehilat Aish Chodesh (Assembly of the Holy Fire), affiliated with the Ysharim Judaism Interfaith outreach movement out of Israel, will begin meeting at the Fellowship Hall at King’s Way, 2016 Kismet Parkway, Saturday, Jan. 3, at 10:30 a.m. for services.
Ysharim congregations and small groups outreach to interfaith families and couples, where one partner is Jewish and the other Christian, focusing on the similarities in practice and less on the differences between the faiths.
The local group is located in Cape Coral, meeting every Saturday at King’s Way, 2016 Kismet Parkway; 9:30 a.m. for Hebrew class, 10:30 a.m. for Torah service, 12:45 p.m. for Oneg (luncheon), 2:30 p.m. for Davidic Dance or further Torah study and discussion.
Learn to hermeneutically unravel the difficult words of Jesus in his own context-a Hebraic one rather than the Roman/Greek. This 12 week course, meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday evenings, taught by Ysharim Rabbi Steven Berkowitz.
Learn why Abraham is called by God “friend”, in this 12 week course taught by Ysharim Rabbi Steven Berkowitz. Monday evening starting Jan.5,at 7:45 p.m.
A 12 week Divorce Recovery class will meet 6:30 p.m. on Thursday nights.
The women’s prayer group will meet for 12 weeks on Thursdays, at 6:30 p.m. For information, email
Meetings are held in the Fellowship Hall at Kings Way, 2016 Kismet Parkway. For more information call 239-574-9257 or email:
Lighthouse Youth Place
Lighthouse Youth Place, a youth outreach project of King’s Way Christian Center, is offering karate classes for Cape Coral youth as an outreach project. LYP meets in the upstairs at 1323 Viscaya Parkway Cape Coral, above the Nazareth Church. Martial arts classes meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 6 p.m.
All Martial Arts Classes are taught by certificated instructors under the auspices of Zenkoku Yudansha Sekai (International Black Belt Society), an international society of Black Belts across the world, which is directed by Steven Berkowitz, Hanshi, who after 43 years in the martial arts, is holder of an 8th degree Black Belt
To register a youth 8-16, call 239-322-7003 or 789-5361.
Messiah Lutheran Church
Tim Zimmerman and the King’s Brass will present a concert at Messiah Lutheran Church on Saturday, Jan. 10, at 7 p.m.
The King’s Brass presents hymn classics with a contemporary flair that will be enjoyed by all generations. This group was formed over two decades ago and is comprised of professional musicians who desire to use the instruments they love to lead others in praise. A $15 donation. Messiah Lutheran is located at 2691 N.E. Pine Island Road, Cape Coral, (l mile west of US Rt. 41) 995-0133
Turning Point Church
The Cape Coral Turning Point Church of God ladies will be meeting for a Bible study on Monday, Jan. 5, at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Belinda West,the senior pastor’s wife. For more information call 281-5350.
Fort Myers
Aglow International
Aglow International Fort Myers Lighthouse, will meet Saturday, Jan. 10, 9:30 a.m., continental breakfast, at Whiskey Creek Country Club, 1449 Whiskey Creek Drive, Fort Myers. Cost $7.
Michele Anasti, co-senior pastor at Word of Life Ministries in Fort Myers will be the featured speaker.
For reservations call, 239-277-0294.
Southwest Baptist Church
The Women of Southwest Baptist Church, Fort Myers, are inviting women in local churches for a relaxing and fun filled day Saturday, Jan. 10, from 8 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
The day begins with breakfast, and two workshop sessions, one featuring guest speaker Debra Flynn. Flynn will speak about her journey from Cape Coral to Dandridge, Tenn., a walk of 874 miles in 66 days where she went from a size 22 to her present dress size, 14.
The cost of the “Day Away” is $20, which includes a continental breakfast and a lunch served buffet style and catered by Panera Bread. Advance registration is requested.
The church is behind Tanger Outlet Mall at 16940 McGregor Blvd. Call 454-3336 to register.
Temple Beth El
Temple Beth El is seeking corporate and private sponsors for its first Casino Night fund-raiser to be held on Jan. 31, at the Reserve Cigar & Wine Bar at 10950 Cleveland in Fort Myers. The Grand Prize will be the $10,000 entry fee to play in the 2009 Las Vegas World Series of Poker Main Event. Players will also meet the famed Dave Irvine, co-founder of The Blackjack Institute, and the inspiration behind the movie “21″. He will provide expert, hands-on Blackjack strategies to help contestants learn to play like the pros! For further information, please call Donna at 239.433.0018 or register online at Proceeds will go to benefit Temple Beth El, 16225 Winkler Rd, Fort Myers.
Word of Life Church
Pastor Gaspar and Michele Anastasi invites all to the Word Of Life Healing Conference, Jan. 15-17, at Word Of Life Church, 2120 Collier Ave., Fort Myers (Off Cleveland, just north of Edison Mall.)
The conference starts Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m., with personal healing prayer administered by specially trained prayer teams.
Admission is free. Call to register at 239-774-8881 or Seating is limited.