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Winners announced

By Staff | Dec 9, 2008

The annual Stars of Tomorrow scholarship program of 2008 was held for all students in the community.

This is an annual competition in the performing arts in the categories of vocal, drama, dance and instrumental for the grade levels of elementary, middle, high school and college.

The winners were chosen in each category and grade level. The competition was held at the Cape Coral Cultural Park Theatre, 528 Cultural Park Blvd.

The final competition was held last month. Winners were chosen by a panel of judges representing the performing arts in Southwest Florida.

The president of the Council for Arts and Humanities Inc., June Sommerfield, announced the winners who performed at the Cultural Park Theatre in the Command Performance on Nov. 30 and received their awards.

The mayor of Cape Coral, Jim Burch, helped to present the awards to each of the winners. The awards were given by Cape Coral Council for Arts and Humanities Inc.

First and second place were awarded for every grade level and in every category.

Cape Coral City Manager Terry Stewart once again served as the master of ceremonies.

Stewart has a background of musical theatre and once again sang the musical selection of “Let Me Fall” by Josh Groban.


High School

– Vocal: Ann Robbins, first; Melody Cooke, second.

– Drama: Brittany Brittany Kociuba, first; Erica Natal, second.

– Instrumental: Jesse Zavada-piano, first; Melody Cooke-piano, second.

– Dance: Anna Robbins, first.

Middle School

– Vocal: Noelle Aparte, first; Lisa Hamman and Tori Woodcock, tied for second.

– Drama: Samantha Prabakaran, first; Erica Olsson, second.

– Instrumental: Nika Verna-piano, first; Andrew Zidek-piano, second.

– Dance: Kierston Benzing, first; Cheleste Onorato and Alexandra Sytsma, tied for second.


– Vocal: Morgan Bruewer, first; Spencer Saso, second.

– Drama: Morgan Bruewer, first; Alissa Shea, second.

– Instrumental: Jacob Zidek-piano, first; Rachel Sharp-Harp, second.

– Dance: Kim Egozi, first; Maggie Boswell, second.