Religion Notes
Cape Coral
Cape Christian Fellowship
Pastor Wes Furlong continues the series “Sign” with the message, “When the Path Narrows.” With Barack Obama’s inauguration around the corner we reflect on the difference between admiring someone and devoting life to following them.
Sunday contemporary worship times are 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. There are classes for children and youth and a safe and caring nursery provided during all worship gatherings. The EDGE High School gathering is held on Wednesdays 7-9 p.m.
Cape Christian Fellowship is located at 2110 Chiquita Blvd., 1/3 mile north of Veteran’s Parkway.
For more information, call 772-5683;
First Church of God (Anderson, Ind.)
Sunday school for both adults and children begins at 9:30 a.m., and a special Prayer will be lead by Rev. Cristy Exzposito. At 6 p.m. members meet for prayer revival.
All visitors and members are invited to attend the WCG Coffee immediately following the morning service in the fellowship hall.
Wednesday night activities begin at 6 p.m. with choir practice followed by kid’s hour, teen hour, adult Bible study and prayer revival at 7 p.m.
Members (50 years and older) and guests meet monthly for fellowship at Young at Heart at noon on the third Thursday of each month for a potluck lunch and program. The next meeting will be Nov. 20, with an Art Show.
A Community Health Fair on Nov. 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The annual “Hanging of the Greens” service will be held on Sunday, Nov. 30. All church Christmas Dinner and WCG Auction will be held on Dec. 14.
First Church of God is located at 2213 Country Club Blvd, three blocks north of Veteran’s Parkway.
Visitors are welcome!
For further information call the church at 574-5271 or visit E-mail:
Hope United Methodist Church
Hope United Methodist church is hosting a special program series called Irresistible Invitation–Responding to the Extravagant Heart of God continues:
Nov. 16: Partners in the Gospel
Hope United Methodist Church is located at 2006 Chiquita Blvd., Sundays at 1030 a.m. For more information call 574-5570.
Trinity Lutheran
Church and School
Trinity Lutheran Church and School, at 706 S.W. 6th Ave., Ladies Guild LW/ML of Trinity will hold its annual fall yard and bake sale Saturday, Nov. 22, from 7 a.m.-noon.
To reach Trinity, take Skyline to S.W. 12th Terrace on S.W. 6th Ave., or either Pine Island Road or Santa Barbara Boulevard to Nicholas Parkway to S.W.. 5th St., to S.E. 6th Ave.
For more information call the church, 772-0172 or school at 772-1549.
Turning Point Church
Turning Point Church of God, currently meeting in the Cape Coral Youth Center located at 315 S.W. 2nd Ave. would like to extend a special invitation for the area to attend its services.
Praise and Worship begins at 10 a.m. followed by a message from Pastor D and Belinda West at 10:45 a.m. The church has a Children’s Church beginning at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. Each month they have a free field trip to an area business. Last week it was Pump It Up! The Ladies meet monthly for a Bible study.
The churches co-ed softball team is tied for 1st place in the Cape Coral Rec Leagues on Fridays.
For more information please call 281-5350.
Pine Island
Pine Island United Methodist Church
Pine Island United Methodist Church is hosting a special Thanksgiving Day Luncheon at noon in Wesley Hall at the Church. This luncheon is open to church members and the general public.
Bring a covered dish if planning to attend. Table service and drinks will be provided. A sign-up sheet will be available in the narthex of the church or you may call the church office at 283-2386 for more information.
Grief Ministry with specially trained facilitators. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Mary Lou Martin at 565-7012 or Janet Marino at 458-3186.
Worship Services: Sunday worship services are at 9 and 11 a.m., with Sunday School classes at 9:30 a.m. and 10:10 am.
For other opportunities available at the church, call 283-2386. Pine Island United Methodist Church is located at 5701 Pine Island Road in Pine Island Center.
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias
3105 South Broadway, Fort Myers.
Clases para adultos, jovenes de 12-18 años , y la organizacion de los niños comienza a las 11:20 a.m. Escuela Dominical a las 12 p.m.. Reunion Sacramental, 1:10 p.m. Las actividades para los jovenes de 12 a 18 se llevan acabo los Miercoles a las 7 p.m. Para mayor information favor de llamar al 443-9630, o 823-5395 en Ingles o Español.